Sunday, March 8, 2009

As You Like It LRJ #1

Sarita Beekie
Ms. Peifer
10 IB - Hour 5
8 March 2009

As You Like It LRJ #1

My name is Rosalind. I am the daughter of Duke Senior and (regretfully) the niece to his brother, Duke Frederick. Though Duke Frederick is my father's brother, as well as the father of my closest friend Celia, I detest him with a fiery passion, for it was he who claimed the throne of the dukedom to which my father was the rightful heir. Then after doing so, he exiled my father to the Forest of Arden. Now, in my father's absence, I must live with my disdainful uncle. I would've declined forthright, however, Celia insisted with equal fervency that I stay in their estate (to my uncle's dismay, of course).

On a lighter note, Celia has been chiding me for falling much too quickly for the impetuous Orlando, son of Sir Rowland de Boys, an ally of my father, when he was alive, that is. Though our meeting beith short-lived, I intend to uphold the promise that I made to him, and abide with him, soon afterwards.

Then, just as I had begun to think that the man known as my uncle couldn't have been more detestable, he forces me to depart his estate with less than ten day's notice! I decide to make this transition of settings as graceful as possible and not to make much ado about nothing, for Celia hath decided to abide with me! She insisted that we go seek my father in the Forest of Arden, but I rebuked her with the notion of the danger that would befall two ladies like ourselves. However, the clever lass suggested that she dress as a poor shepherdess calling herself Aliena, and from that I devised that I, being more than common-tall, should dress as a man hailing myself Ganymede. As well, we agreed that the court jester Touchstone would accompany us in our delighting journey to liberty, instead of remorseful banishment.